Who is Kalifa in One Piece? (2024)

Who is Kalifa in One Piece? (1)

Kalifa is a member of CP0 and is also Laskey’s daughter. As a part of CP0, she used to be Iceburg’s secretary and was also a member of CP9. After CP9 got defeated by the Straw Hats, they were dismissed by Spandam and Kalifa was later promoted to CP0.


  1. All about Kalifa
  2. History
    1. Past
    2. Water 7 Arc
    3. Enies Lobby Arc
  3. Personality
  4. Appearance
  5. Kalifa’s abilities and strengths, and fighting style
  6. Kalifa’s special abilities
    1. Devil Fruit
  7. Techniques
    1. Golden Hour
    2. Awatsukai: Sekkenyo
    3. Hitsuji Gumo Relax Hour
    4. Haki
    5. Weapons
  8. Kalifa’s Top fights
    1. Kalifa vs. Sanji
    2. Kalifa vs. Nami
  9. Kalifa in Other Media
    1. Video Games
  10. FAQs

Who is Kalifa in One Piece? (2)

All about Kalifa



First Appearance in Anime

One Piece Episode 230

Voice Actors

Naomi Shindo(Japanese), Shelley Calene Black(English)


23rd April






CP0, CP9, Galley-La Company


Cipher Pol Agent, Secretary


Grand Line

Devil Fruit

Awa Awa no Mi





Kalifa was born into a family of assassins and she was also trained to be one. Later on, when CP9 was undercover at Water 7, she infiltrated the Galley-La Company by being Iceberg’s secretary who was the Mayer as well as Tom, the shipwright’s student. Kalifa became infamous in the Galley-La Company and was very loyal to Iceberg.

While CP9 was gaining the city’s trust and respect that they were really close to getting the blueprints for Pluton which was with Iceburg. But they did not know that Iceburg had already given the blueprints to Franky already.

Water 7 Arc

When the Straw Hats crew came to Water 7, they needed to repair their ship. However Aoikiji told CP9 that Nico Robin, also known as the Demon Child, will be blackmailed into faking an assassination on Iceberg to frame the Straw Hats and then take them to Enies Lobby by threatening them with a Buster Call.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats went to Galley-La Company to get their ship fixed. The following morning, Luffy and Nami boarded a Yagara Bull to visit Iceburg after learning from Nami that he had been shot. As they approached Dock 1, a mob greeted them, and Franky confronted Luffy for hurting his family. In order to assault Luffy and Nami's boat, Franky dove into the ocean and spewed fire at them. Paulie, Kaku, and Lucci stopped Luffy and Franky while they were engaged in a fight. Since Robin was one of the two attackers Paulie had seen, the Straw Hats were the major suspects in the attack on Iceburg. Luffy refused to accept that Robin had committed this crime and insisted on speaking with Iceburg. However, the Galley-La employees did not allow him.

When Luffy and Nami arrived at Galley-La Headquarters, Iceburg’s residence, Luffy forced open a window and entered. Kalifa signaled to him as he rushed through the structure and allowed him access to Iceburg's chamber. Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Chopper hid in a tree close to Headquarters as night fell as they waited for Robin. When they finally saw a huge explosion taking place in front of the building, Luffy quickly started going toward it. Paulie, meanwhile, was in a room with two masked guys when Luffy barged in, and ordered them to return Robin. Then the masked men attacked and took him down, bound him to the ground with Paulie. When Lucci began hitting Paulie, Luffy stepped in, but Lucci utilized his Rokushiki methods to defeat him.

Robin informed her former crewmates that she was pursuing a goal independently. The mansion soon caught fire, Lucci warned the Straw Hats, Iceburg, and Paulie, keeping them from fleeing. Luffy asked Paulie for a ship to use to get Sanji, who had gone after Robin after she had boarded the Sea Train to Enies Lobby. Due to the Aqua Laguna, Paulie said to wait until the following morning, a decision to which Luffy denied.

He decided to forcibly board a ship. Kokoro then came in and offered to take Luffy to a different, hidden Sea Train. Luffy agreed to this, and the train set off. After overcoming Aqua Laguna, Luffy, Zoro, and Nami prepared for the fight that lay ahead.

Enies Lobby Arc

During the Enies Lobby Arc, the remaining Straw Hats had reached the top of the courthouse. As they stood with Luffy in front of Robin and CP9, Luffy told Robin that she may go away if she wanted or stay with them. Spandam backed up Robin's statement and bragged about the great power of the World Government while pointing to the official flag sailing above him.

However, in response, Luffy ordered the sniper Sogeking to take down the flag, and he accomplished it. They burned the World government’s flag. The burning of the flag meant that Luffy openly declared war on the World Government which shocked Spandam. When they were going to save Robin, Kalifa and the other CP9 come to Enies Lobby and they meet up with Spandam. f*ckurou tested the Water 7 teams and reveals that Kalifa had a level of 630. After returning back to Enies Lobby, Spandam tells Kalifa that he has a devil fruit for her. After he lets go of the remaining members of CP9 from the room, he gives her the Awa Awa no Mi. Even though Jabra tells her not to eat it, she eats it anyway as Rob Lucci encourages her. Thus, Kalifa acquired the Awa Awa no Mi.

During the attack, she fought Sanji but after he came to his senses, she told him that the key was somewhere on her body before they started their kick-based battle. Even though Sanji was stronger than Kalifa, he held back because she was a woman and Sanji had vowed to never hurt a woman but Kalifa showed no mercy and landed a lot of attacks on him and she turned into a soap doll and threw him from the balcony. Just right then Nami arrived to fight her but Kalifa had set a bubble trap on the floor and drained Nami’s power.

Nami figured out Kalifa’s power but Kalifa used her ‘Golden Awa’ and turned Nami into a soap doll but the Chopper came in and attacked Kalifa in his monster form. Chopper knocked the bath down the stairwell and it landed on Sanji. Kalifa attacked Nami but Nami used her Clima-Tact Rain’s Tempo to nullify Kalifa’s ability before electrocuting her. Kalifa tried to attack her but Nami avoided the attack with a Thunder Lance Tempo. Later on, she ripped Kalifa’s clothes to find the keys to the handcuffs.


While she was undercover as Iceburg's secretary, Kalifa showed her expertise and loyalty to the mayor, accompanying him wherever he went to remind him of his responsibilities and striking anyone who approached him without showing him respect. The speed with which she predicts Iceberg's requirements and effectively handles his demanding schedule demonstrates her brilliant mind.

Who is Kalifa in One Piece? (3)

She maintains her cool and makes an effort to control chaotic situations, as she did when Paulie got scared by Nami's revealing clothes. Kalifa's personality changed after her real identity was made clear. She likes embarrassing her supervisor, Spandam, by accusing him of pestering her and saying that he harasses her.

Despite giving off the impression that she was entirely professional and serious at first, she became easily angry during her battle with Nami, such as when she figured out her Devil Fruit power. She is rather forgetful and self-conscious about it by mistaking Chopper for Nami. She is also quite arrogant, saying that her beauty and seductiveness are the two alone things that make her skin flawless without the need for her Devil Fruit talent.


Who is Kalifa in One Piece? (4)

Kalifa is a slim woman with blue eyes and wears glasses. She has strawberry-blond hair that is shoulder length and it grew over the course of the arcs. While she was a secretary, she kept her hair up in a bun and wore a small studded earring. When she was Iceburg’s secretary, she wore a long-sleeved short black dress over a fishnet shirt with stockings and black gloves. While attacking Icebergs's mansion, Kalifa wore a musketeer mask with a long red cape, and with long red sleeves a light purple cloth, and an orange dress with gloves.

Kalifa’s abilities and strengths, and fighting style

Who is Kalifa in One Piece? (5)

Kalifa has a high level of superhuman strength with a Doriki of 630. When not using Rokushiki or Awa Awa no Mi techniques, she fights with kicks as she has incredible leg strength. She could use Rankyaku to create a cutting shockwave strong enough to cut stone walls alongside Kaku. She has leg strength and force that is quite similar to Sanji's, and she strikes quickly enough to leave lasting impressions.

Since Kalifa was promoted, it can be assumed that she became more powerful after Enies Lobby. Kalifa has mastered all six of the Rokushiki style's techniques, much like the other CP9 members. She has the lowest number of Doriki of the assassins, with 630, but is still regarded as one of CP9's finest strengths.

Kalifa’s special abilities

Devil Fruit

The Awa Awa no Mi is a Paramecia-Type Devil Fruit. This fruit allows the user to emit and control bubbles that not only ‘clean up’ the person but also ‘clean up’ their powers too. Kalifa uses her devil fruit powers for combat purposes. She is a very capable assassin and by using her fruit's power, she can drain and weaken her opponents. She also uses her power over soap particles to not get electrocuted.

She also uses her powers to clean up all dirt and grime. These bubbles are created from the user's body. They can even be manifested while the user is wearing gloves. The user can also drain their enemy's energy with these bubbles and leave them in a clean and shiny state which is very smooth. The user can also shield themselves from attacks by condensing the bubbles together around themselves.

The weakness of this fruit is that the bubbles can be washed away easily by water. The enemies that have been cleaned can be returned back to normal by being washed away by water. Even a strong wind can blow away the bubbles.


The techniques used by Kalifa are:

Golden Hour

In this technique, Kalifa manually spreads bubbles on her victim's body which drains them of their strength and leaves their skin skinny, shiny and smooth.

Awatsukai: Sekkenyo

In this technique, Kalifa concentrates all nearby foam and bubbles around her body which makes her look like a sheep, due to her arm around her head which resembles the ears of a sheep.

Hitsuji Gumo Relax Hour

In this technique, Kalifa concentrates all the foam with Awatsukai: Sekkenyo and launches it at her enemies to 'clean' their strength. This relaxes her enemy’s body and makes them immobile.


Kalifa has the ability to use Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki.


Kalifa is seen using a spikey whip during the Water 7 Arc.

Kalifa’s Top fights

Kalifa vs. Sanji

Who is Kalifa in One Piece? (6)

Kalifa vs. Nami

Who is Kalifa in One Piece? (7)

Some of Kalifa’s major fights that took place but were not seen in the anime are

  • Kalifa vs. Peepley Lulu

  • CP9 vs. Candy Pirates

  • CP9 vs. Very Good's crew

Kalifa in Other Media

Kalifa is not only an anime character but also a video game character

Video Games

  • One Piece Thousand Storm

  • One Piece Treasure Cruise

  • One Piece Bon! Bon! Journey!!

  • One Piece: Pirates Carnival

  • One Piece Treasure Cruise

  • One Piece: Gear Spirit


Q. What did Kalifa rank in the 6th Japanese popularity contest?

Kalifa ranked in the 62nd place in the Japanese popularity contest which makes her the 2nd most popular CP9 member.

Q. What is Kalifa’s animal theme for the CP9?

Just like all members of CP9 Kalifa has an animal theme which is a sheep.

Q. What does Kalifa like to eat?

Kalifa likes to eat stir-fried lamb meat.

Q. What is Doriki?

Doriki is a unit of measurement that determines CP9 agents’ level of physical abilities.

Q. What is Rokushiki?

Rokushiki is a superhuman martial art style and is seen being used by CP9.

Q. Is the Awa Awa no Mi a Logia-Type rather than a Paramecia-Type?

A. This ability is not to be confused with a Logia power, because the user cannot turn themselves into soap and bubbles.

Who is Kalifa in One Piece? (2024)


Who killed Kalifa in One Piece? ›

After some more fighting, she is defeated by Nami's Thunder Lance Tempo straight through her chest.

What devil fruit did Kaku and Kalifa eat? ›

Kaku remarks that it could be fun as he bites into his banana-shaped Devil Fruit. Kalifa said she would gladly welcome the new power if the fruit turned out to be a winner, as she put a slice of her melon-shaped Devil Fruit into her mouth. Jabra is shocked beyond belief that they ate their fruits.

Why is Kalifa not in CP0? ›

Kalifa and Blueno were originally not planned to be agents of CP0, but Eiichiro Oda was convinced by the One Piece Film: Red staff to include them. However, Oda emphasized that the two do not wear masks, and are thus lower rank compared to the elite masked agents. CP0 is written as "CP AISIS 0" in One Piece Volume 777.

What Kalifa did to Sanji? ›

She tells him he may be a pirate, but he is also a coward. Sanji tells her to shut up and tries to kick her, but she dodges using Soru. Kalifa then reappears, grabbing Sanji by the tie and restraining the leg he just tried to kick her with so he cannot escape. Kalifa tells Sanji she has had enough of his empty threats.

Who beats Kalifa? ›

Nami completely outclassed Kalifa in both tactics and the usage of their abilities. Nami didn't even suffer any major injury while defeating her and persevered until the end.

Who is the weakest CP9 member? ›

Spandam, the former Chief of CP9, was the weakest member with minimal combat skills, relying on his sword Funkfreed to fight. Members like Nero, Kalifa, f*ckurou, and Kumadori were also weaker compared to the higher-ranked members, demonstrating varying levels of mastery in Rokushiki arts.

Why did Stussy betray CP0? ›

Over the years, Stussy had become one of the CP0's best agents, but in reality, she had been acting as a mole from the very beginning. She was ready to betray her colleagues when the time was right, which was when they were tasked with killing Vegapunk, the person she was truly loyal to.

Is kaku a good guy? ›

Kaku is a supporting antagonist in One Piece franchise. He is a member of CP0, who was formerly a member of CP9, operating undercover in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg and capture Nico Robin.

In what episode does Kalifa get defeated? ›

Episode 293 | One Piece Wiki | Fandom.

Who killed CP0? ›

It was perfectly in character for Kaido to kill the CP0 agent for ruining his fight, but with the reveal that said agent likely survived the fight, the entire event is cheapened because Kaido now didn't do anything to make up for it.

Who betrayed CP0? ›

In one of the recent chapters of the series, Stussy betrays Cp0 and joins Luffy to help Vegapunk escape the island.

Is Kalifa alive? ›

One of the richest monarchs in the world, President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates, has died at the age of 73. Sheikh Khalifa was president of the UAE since 2004, but his role had been largely ceremonial since he suffered a stroke in 2014.

Which girl betrayed Sanji? ›

Viola eventually lured Sanji into a trap, beat him up, and held him captive. They were seen in a warehouse with Sanji handcuffed, bloodied, and bruised as Viola ridiculed his weakness towards women and revealed that she was an assassin from the Donquixote Family.

Who did Sanji marry? ›

84 Chapter 845 (p. 17), Sanji proposes marriage to Pudding. ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol.

How did Nami defeat Kalifa? ›

Nami then does the Mirage Tempo: Fata Morgana. Five bodies appear, but only one of them is her. All of them do a Thunder Ball with only one in five being real. Kalifa fails to dodge them and gets hit with the Thunder Balls.

Who defeated Kaku in One Piece? ›

Kaku doesn't hold grudges nor feel slighted that Zoro beat him as he lost honorably against a strong opponent as opposed to Lucci who could not get over the fact that Luffy defeated him.


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