Theirs to Forever (Alien Overlords #5) (2024)

Chelsea 🏳️‍🌈

1,767 reviews6 followers

December 18, 2023

I have a lot to say.

It's difficult to review books in this series because you get what you came for. Sure, reading His to Claim would be the introduction, but if you continue on in the series, you are expecting to read more about women being forced into sex and pregnancy, kidnapping, violence, and alien supremacists. None of those should be surprising themes after the first book. However, somehow, His to Claim was better than every book that came after and and this last book was my least favorite out of all them.

To be generous, I'd say the good things were:
- Elizabeth getting to do more science. For it being a big part of how others defined her, the small portion of her brainstorming with L'Gon is the only time we really get to see that.
- that's about it

The science thing is me being generous because the explanation behind the Xalthurians' fertility issues is quite f*cked up if you think long and hard about it. The Xalthurian women can't get pregnant because the Extinction Virus evolved them into creatures that can't procreate without being sexual aroused. This is particularly f*cked up that the species that enters into a pact with sh*tty human leaders to force 21 year old women into being broodmares just needed to actually arouse their women to impregnate them. Meanwhile, humans get pregnant regardless of if they're aroused or not from their assault. So, once again, the Xalthurians have better conditions.

I still don't buy the "love" here. Maybe I'll buy that L'Than actually cares about Elle, but it still felt like Elle and L'Gon were in lust; not love. There were so many sex scenes in this book that it got tiring and repetitive. And again, I don't buy the change in L'Gon's feelings. Suddenly he feels empathy for her and suddenly he was "happy", which I don't recall. Maybe I would buy L'Gon's feelings more if we got to see him freaking out when she passed out. Instead, we're just told that he did.

By the way, for Kira to spend so much time mourning her sister in book one, they don't spend a lot of time together in this book. Like at all. Jack seems to meet his cousins in this book like once. What's up with that? Kira was also Team Forget he Raped You because the flippant way she makes light of Elle's hesitancy to be with a Xalthurian was not great. Also, Elle totally victim blamed Kira for what Kel did to L'Than.

This was the darkest in the series with the story saying that children brought to the Zoo had to watch a bunch of awful men assault women through a glass cage. I truly don't know how anyone could think up such a horrible thing.

There were gross references to how Elle went to the bathroom. It's meant to set up how she hid her pregnancy, but that could've been set up without that much detail. It was disgusting. Also, there were clear attempts at humor using earth slang like "bestie" and "f*cked around and found out" and others and they fell flat. Somehow that + the decision to have the last books be a polyamorous (and questionable) relationship made me think the writers just looked at what was somewhat new and hot in the romance field and tried to replicate that. There's a clumsy, rushed attempt to explain some BDSM terms like "brat" and it just felt uninformed and not properly fleshed out.

Finally, time passed in the most indiscernible way. I couldn't tell how days passed at all and not just because time is referred to in solars and moons. The entirety of Elle's decision to leave for New Terran, telling L'Than of it, L'Gon taking her to the Palace, L'Gon telling his father he wants to be with Elle, Elle ending up in the Zoo and L'Gon and L'Than finding out about the Zoo took place in both three hours and half an hour, it seemed. There was no way for Elle to get there, wake up, have Sara explain the entire system and have L'Gon and L'Than arrive without some serious time travel or time freezing going on.

The timing of Elle's pregnancy, especially for her not to have shown it, made no sense. If it took place before the extremely uncomfortable berry orgy, she should've looked pregnant. With how frequently they were getting it in, someone should've noticed.

BTW, the idea of a baby being either five months or two (I really could not tell) and be able to speak in complete sentences is really creepy. Everytime Elle referenced how much Jack weighed, I was horrified. Do they grow extremely quickly?

Honestly, the thing that really made this whole thing hard to rock with (aside from the themes) was the fact that I don't understand why the two triads we see here both involve two men that are related to each other? It's... kinda incest-y?? The fertility trial features twin brothers sharing a woman. The main relationship in these two books involves two cousins sharing a woman. L'Than frequently tells the others what to do so he's instructing Elle on how to pleasure his cousin? It's icky at the least.

I just don't get it. Would it have been too hard to have them be unrelated? As I understand, neither of them are related to the Kel, so it's not like the Elites all had to be related to each other. It's just such a weird thing to do.

So, ultimately, this wasn't nearly as strangely entertaining as the first book. I don't buy the relationships, there's too many sex scenes, the triad situation is giving Alabama, the passage of time is befuddling, and it just wasn't a good time. Somehow, it felt way too long and for the lack of interactions between the characters and the characters from the previous books, it's hard to say it really felt like a conclusion. It set out to wrap up the Accord I guess and solve the fertility problem, but honestly, it felt like a lot of the events of the other books existed in a vacuum. I still can't get over how little Kira and Elle actually spoke to each other.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


367 reviews131 followers

January 8, 2024

This book felt rushed. Considering how long it took for these two books to come out, that's very disappointing.

I wanted a bit more from the ending. Things got very plot-heavy in terms of the alien fertility issue, the politics of the Council and the Zoo, but I wanted more development of the relationship between the main leads and their eventual relationship.

The sex scenes weren't as good, either. Of the scenes we did get, they may or may not have been dream sequences. At one point, I couldn't tell what was a dream or a memory.

More editing was needed, too. There were multiple instances where characters used the wrong name, the formatting/editing broke on the page or the info conflicted with things we were told earlier.

    2023 genre-romance platform-kindle


2,247 reviews253 followers

February 4, 2024

A wild and kinky conclusion to the Alien Overlords series. I really liked it. And! There is a crack in the door for an interesting spin-off. 🤞🏽 Happy Reading!

    2024 aliens audiobook


172 reviews4 followers

April 13, 2024

So sad to see this series come to a close. I absolutely fell in love with this world and it’s most importantly its characters. This was a wonderful conclusion. I’m sure in the future I will reread this series when I get a hankering. That statement is a testament to how good the stories are. Our little triad had to work out their differences and man were they hot working them out. Phew! I love the twist that was revealed. And my heart truly broke at the revelation of The Zoo. I cried buckets which is crazy for me. Wish this author do well for future endeavors. I know at this time scheduling had been a problem for them, but a girl can hope that maybe the stars will align and a new series will be introduced to the readers.


220 reviews1 follower

December 19, 2023

A Bowtie Ending

For five books Taylor Vaughn has kept my emotions on a roller coaster and now it ends with Theirs to Forever…A celebration of two authors who held our imaginations captive with their writing…I know many of us are saying oh moons it’s over I say good job Taylor Vaughn. I was sent an advance copy for a honest review.

Asha Royal

570 reviews3 followers

January 9, 2024


This last book was okay. I cracked up at the extreme distress over the corn. Like I cackled!

Too much of…. “as the New Terrhan Idiom and Slang Dictionary would term….” The reader can deduce from the first time it was said that L’Than understands most idioms. It didn’t needed to be stated every time he used one.

Piper Anderson

Author1 book5 followers

December 18, 2023

Nice ending, but....

This was a cute ending to the series. I love both authors independently. I know they're quite adept at writing amazing couplings. However, I didn't get the triad love from the triad. L'Gon didn't come around until far too late. There are no real moments of devotion or love coming from him to Elle or vice versa. There could have been such a great arc for him if he'd remembered his intense feelings that he had in the beginning. He was the level of in love/infatuation that the other Xal were and that level of devotion is never seen from him by Elle, or the reader, again. In my opinion, he never professes his love to Elle. They never have their moment to form the bond they proclaim to have. In L'thn's POV we hear that L'Gon and Elle have a similar work ethic, but that does not a love match make after L'Gon was so anti-human and cruel. Both books felt like they were the love story of L'thn and Elle. L'Gon started the series with his absolute infatuation with Elle then becomes a side character the remainder of the series. I would have loved to truly feel the connection between the triad and more importantly Elle and L'Gon. He just felt like a little something freaky Elle and L'thn do on the side every once and awhile. The ending seems super rushed. They apparently had twins that they didn't bother to name between Elle's second pregnancy and the twenty year time jump, which would mean those kids would still be children, or at least teens. Yet they mention all their children are adults, but that isn't true. We never see a satisfying resolution between L'Gon and his sister L'Nel, which is sad since it was such a large plot point. It's like everything with L'Gon was a tell not show situation. I know it's hard to focus on three main characters, but it's an art I know these authors are talented enough to pull off usually. There are also times when the name of characters and planets are confused and POV is totally switched or confused mid-scene. It's not totally distracting but noticeable enough. I don't know how old Jack is supposed to be, maybe one or two because of stasis, but he's not coming off as a toddler at all. Glee was more of a child and she was older than Jack. Anyway, it was a very wrapped up conclusion to the series. I'll absolutely continue reading both authors because they're fantastic individually. I encourage everyone to read their work.

Merry One Maria

1,692 reviews5 followers

December 21, 2023

A wrap for Elle Garrett

This is book five and it wraps up the storyline between Elle, L’Than, and T’Gon. I have enjoyed the series and it’s worth reading. However as I mentioned in my review of book four, the stubbornness of Elle and L’Gon was frustrating to read in this book five too. These two are so much the same temperament that you just want to shake your head. L’Than was the only one happy to admit his love and desire for Elle plus he was accepting to be in a triad. Even Kira tried multiple times to show her sister that she should stay and try to make it work with her two guys. But all Elle would do was deny her feelings and question the validity of her feelings. Points to the author for the well written triad intimate scenes. Read On!


2,092 reviews9 followers

December 23, 2023

Theirs Forever

This book was sooo worth the wait!!! I've never been into sci-fi romance but I've fallen in love with the Alien Overlords Series. I can't believe I was wrong about the Benefactor. I just KNEW it was L'Thn's dad. Boy was a wrong. I wish L'Gon and Elle showed more emotions. You always knew where L'Thn stood in the relationship simply by his actions. You never had to guess if he wanted to be with Elle or be in a Triad. He was always all in. That's what irked me with Elle because she was always trying to run. This was a great read tho.💝💝


589 reviews4 followers

December 19, 2023


The last two are my favorites of a great series. L'Than and L'Gon are delicious. But I love the strength and intelligence of Elle. I still don't understand Elle's need to go back to New Terhann. But everything thing else was fire - from Elle's solution to the infertility problem, to the scenes between her and her lovers, to the reveal of the Benefactor as well as the escape plans.


169 reviews10 followers

December 24, 2023

Man, I’m sad this is the last book of the series but, she went out with a Bang! The banter, science elements and, just overall creativity always blows my mind! I usually never read a complete series but, Alien Romances with Black women are my Jam! I loved everything about this book especially T’hyn. I wish she could continue the series from the Xalthurian females perspective as they look for love in New Terrahan. Sad to see it end, but it was definitely a 5 star read!

Sevyn Wynters

82 reviews2 followers

January 10, 2024

The way I was ready to take off stars for that ending!!!

I have been enraptured by this series from the moment I read the first book. It’s been a great, emotional and fun ride and I am truly sad to see the series come to an end. But it came to a beautiful end indeed.

WHOO I was hot when I first started reading that epilogue. Well played authors 😏
These stories will live rent free in my head for a long time ❤️❤️


2 reviews

January 20, 2024

Love love love this Book!!!

***Spoilers*** I LOVE this series. I'm a bit heartbroken that this may be the last book under Taylor Vaughn. Be far this is the best HEA with women of color and spicy alien romance. This book and the series touch on so many things in a scifi way that brings out joy and acceptance. The "you matter" and loving brown eyes. I just may need to read this again!!!


188 reviews

March 28, 2024


Sometimes you can’t go by another person’s description of a book or their review. I kept putting this off because of some said reviews and I took me longer to complete this series. This was an amazing conclusion to the series, that I fell in love with them all over again. There were twists and turns that I didn’t see coming and I was very entertained from the beginning to the end. Just the right amount of erotica, women power and feel good. Great Job well done!!!


218 reviews2 followers

May 12, 2024

As others have said in reviews, I wish more of an emotional connection was established between Elle and the two men, mostly l'gon. Really didn't feel that. There was way too much "of, or was just a dream" device used, and epilogue felt like they just didn't want to keep flushing out details that we needed to feel closure.
That all being said, I loved the story and had so much fun reading the whole series!

Lauryn Elizabeth

52 reviews

June 5, 2024

such a sweet ending!!

This book duology was my favorite of the series!! This book being my fave of the duo. I won’t lie I hated our FMC in the first book of the duo and with the exception of one chat with her sister Qel in the palace (horribly immature conversation for how far our FMC had come) the writing has much improved throughout the series!! And who doesn’t love a good why choose?! 🤩


162 reviews3 followers

December 18, 2023

Oh my, surprise truth.

Well. This ending was a HUGE surprise. Gotta say, though, this second half did take me on a little ride. Sometimes Elle, L'Gon, & L' Than had me worried their separate plans and lack of meaningful communication. However, all the sexy times in this book.... WHEW!
Theodora Vaughn is a writing dynamic duo. Thank you so much for this wonderful series!💜

Elisha Johnson

5 reviews

December 21, 2023


My only criticism of this series was the wait for the last two books. Thank you ladies! You never let me down, each book is great as a standalone but as series they are EVERYTHING!!! Don’t stop writing keep giving us compelling, complex stories! Thank you y’all made my year book wise.


130 reviews1 follower

December 22, 2023

Decent conclusion.

Great ending to this series, including lots of drama and intrigue. A lot is revealed, and there are surprises as well. The chemistry amongst Elle, L'Than, and L'Gon maintained its passion. There were some character and planet name errors which gave the sense that the story was rushed, but overall, it was a very good ending.


2,097 reviews60 followers

February 8, 2024


This was a great conclusion to this series. It was a joy to read and I am really going to miss these characters. I am also disappointed there won't be any more books. I was hoping to find out what happened with the aliens going to Earth. It would have been a great spinoff series.


1,120 reviews

December 16, 2023

I am sad that this is the end of the series, but this was a great series and book. I loved getting an ARC and reading early. I enjoyed seeing Elle get the happy ending, love, and credit that she deserved.

Lucy G

3 reviews

December 18, 2023

It’s finally here!! I’ve been waiting for this book and while it’s bittersweet that this will be the last in the series, I’m glad it ended on such an awesome note. I was curious as to how Taylor Vaughn were going to make BRO come around to the idea of the trio, but was not dissapointed! 10/10!

Sonya Williams

814 reviews3 followers

December 18, 2023

Hate to say goodbye🥹

The Taylor Vaughn collaboration was pure genius. The Alien Overlords series was exceptionally done by two authors who definitely know how to keep your attention with storytelling. Not giving away details, but the MFM ending tied the series up perfectly.♥️

Percy Holton

2 reviews

December 21, 2023

Turn Paging Series

I truly enjoyed the ride with the Alien Overlords. I am also sorry it has come to an end. This is one series I will have to read again, and thank the authors for sharing their talent.

Early Boyd

44 reviews1 follower

December 21, 2023

So Good

I so enjoyed this series. Sorry for it to end. I'm a fan of both Theodora and Eve and their collaboration on this series was outstanding. Didn't know I would enjoy an a!ien series but it was delicious.

Bev Simon

539 reviews6 followers

December 22, 2023

A brilliant end to a fantastic series

I loved everything about this remarkable story! It was exciting,vibrant entertaining and very erotic.
It has espionage,kidnapping, trafficking...The two books were just so enthralling I could not out the book down. It was just perfect!!!!


76 reviews2 followers

December 22, 2023

A Great conclusion

It took years for their story, and it was worth the wait. So many obstacles were against Elle, L'Gon, and L'Than it was difficult to see the love and happiness right before them.


90 reviews1 follower

December 24, 2023

So good

I got the pleasure of rereading the previous books along with this one all over again. I hate that the series is over but so happy with how it ended. This was a wonderful collaboration with two amazing authors. Well done ladies. Highly recommend all the books.


16 reviews

December 25, 2023

Great Last installment

Absolutely loved this series, the Characters were individual the story line was engrossing. I would recommend reading if from the start to get the full enjoyment 😍

Yvonne Archer

555 reviews4 followers

December 29, 2023

Great Ending

I loved the series and thoroughly enjoyed this last book that tied it all up
Elle got her HEA in an unexpected way but it turned out beautifully
Great job ladies
Look forward to reading more of your work

Theirs to Forever (Alien Overlords #5) (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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