His to Steal (Alien Overlords, #2) (2024)


2,284 reviews

September 29, 2019

Bow down to authors, Theodora Taylor and Eve Vaughn because illogical becomes logical in "His to Steal!"

His to Steal (Alien Overlords, #2) (2)Xar T'Kan and Zinnia's unputdownable, SMEXY read!!!

His to Steal (Alien Overlords, #2) (3)

Their story actually takes place around the same time as Kel D'Rek and Kira did in book 1 but as the title suggests, Xar T'Kan literally stole "his treasure" due to the "love disease" and hero's possessive nature towards his one and only.... (Poor golden alien couldn't get Zinnia out of his head!)

T'Kan and Zinnia's story was an emotional and memorable journey with past pains, miscommunications and trust issues which left me wondering about the alliances and possibilities of not just the Xalthurians but of the other aliens who needed hu'mans to breed to continue their race. So I'm assuming more epic sci-fi stories from Taylor Vaughn right??? Only time will tell, I guess!!!
His to Steal (Alien Overlords, #2) (4)

The subplot was a doozy too due to T'Kan's manipulative uncle and the spellbounding political intrigue etc!!!!!

His to Steal (Alien Overlords, #2) (5)

Can't wait on book 3 of the Alien Overloads !!!!!!!!

ARC provided for an honest review

5++ epic, erotic star!!!!!!!!

    alien arc confidence-is-growing

Debra Johnson

10.7k reviews167 followers

July 5, 2019

His To Steal by Taylor Vaughn
Genres: Adult, Romance, Sci-Fi
2.5 Stars

I am disappointed.
Nowhere near as good as book #1.
Loaded with typos and editing errors.
Highly repetitive.
The flow was off. The pace was slow.

While I like the mc's, it took a long time to get anywhere with them.
They both had lots of 'Thick Headed' and obtuse moments.
Zinnia more so than T'Kan.
Even the dialog often came off as adolescent and sometimes stilted.

This one needs a lot of work.

    1-owned adult authors-all

Ivy Deluca

2,281 reviews305 followers

January 11, 2020

So far, my fave of series

I struggled with the first book in the series because of the inherent issues I have with the master/slave dynamic, the dubcon/forced matings. Basically it pushed alot of buttons I was uncomfortable with and landed way more on the darker side of romance than I’m used to.

This book however, while still problematic in parts, has benefited greatly from the changes made by the end of the last book in the way the Xalthurians and humans deal with each other. While there is still dubcon at the beginning, I liked the way T’Kan and Zinnia’s relationship progressed and their chemistry was easier to believe in. And in the end, the way T’Kan works for her love, his genuinely funny thoughts on this love “disease” were sweeter and way more up my alley.

This series is a mixed bag for me with more violence against women than I’d like, but I genuinely enjoyed this one more. I’m keeping an open mind so onto the next.


480 reviews

June 25, 2019

Decline from book 1

I was optimistic about this series having potential after I completed book 1. The author has managed to build a detailed society on two planets and created stories of them merging. With of course the bad guy betrayal. While book one wasn’t amazing, I had hoped the author would improve as the series moved on. Unfortunately, it did not.
Spoilish content below to justify rating.
You should be warned going in the first intimate scene between Zinnia and TKan is during the breeding ceremony evening. They cannot understand one another yet as neither apparently has the translation implant. Though you’d think TKan would have being a general. Anyways, the first sex scene is rape. TKan does not know human custom, nor does he care. He just wants her and takes her in accordance with the rules of his people.
After this he decides to steal her away to his planet because he is upset with her. I’m not sure why Zinnia wasn’t upset or crying during the first sex scene. She didn’t seem to mind.
Flash forward to his hidden cabin. She then wants to act like she doesn’t want sex. And now he’s trying to be sweet!
They spend many weeks getting to know one another without being able to communicate. He goes in and out of the city for his duties while she stays hidden at the cabin. Eventually they begin being intimate again.
They find a baby large cat species. She rescues it.
The next day he doesn’t return like usual. He’s gone for 6 months. Which you might remember from the end of book one.
When he returns she flips out and won’t listen even after he gives her a translator chip.
They fight. She tries to kill him. The cat, crappily named a Baby, how original....scratches and jumps on him.
He ends up locking her in the house and shooting the cat. She thinks he killed her pet. Turns out he tranquilized it. He takes it and has it declawed and a docile chip out in.
This pissed me off so bad cause she as left thinking the worst and he had that done to that poor cat WITHOUT her permission. But I was mad at her too for not listening to him.
Keel and Kira find out he has her. They force him to bring her in. Then they won’t let him see her! He’s in love with her. She’s pregnant too.
Months go by.
Kira filled Zinnia’s Head with the most ridiculous bull crap saying that TKan lied to Zinnia, he was hiding her for like sneaky reasons and he didn’t want to fix her leg because he wanted her slow blah blah blah. A bunch of crap that Kira has NO CLUE ABOUT. She needed to mind her own business and not make assumptions.
So Zinnia return to the old planet because she thinks badly of TKan now thanks to Kira’s meddling, assuming self.
Then of course the story from here is Zinnia being a b*tch when he comes back to the old planet and not wanting to hear him out. It’s ridiculous. He’s painted as the total bad guy. But no one calls out Kira for her assumption lies to Zinnia. Finally she forgives him though he wasn’t at fault for staying away since he had been in trouble in book one if you’ll remember. Wrongly accused of treason, remember?
So take away from book 2...
Series dropped down hill.
Kira is a raging think she knows it all meddling B.
TKan learned to love. But still wasn’t told it’s wrong to rape and that was never addressed btw.
TKan is golden (is he gold gold or yellow? Sounds more yellow perhaps? Not sure)
Zinnia is very dark skinned, referred to as onyx. (It sounds as most of the human population on the human planet is African American. But at least one Asian family.)
But 3 might have some potential. IF OTHERS STAY OUT OF MEDDLING WITH THEIR RELATIONSHIP. But it doesn’t seem like that will happen. There will probably be more of those outsiders who block and interfere thinking they know best. I’ll grab book 3 if it’s on KU. I’m not optimistic about it being better though.


646 reviews

July 22, 2021

4 stars ⭐️

This is the second instalment of this series, and was just as entertaining as the first. I think it’s my warped sense of humour that has me enjoying this books, you just need to read one to understand what I mean. The aliens are ‘alien’ and the humans are ‘human’ lol. If you’ve looking for an easy read, nothing to heavy, but with an entertaining storyline this is it.



229 reviews27 followers

June 26, 2019

LOVED IT!!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰♥️♥️♥️♥️

My two favorite authors never disappoint!!! Read ASAP or be subject to missing out on a great IRR alien abduction romance novel!!!

Ezi Chinny

2,615 reviews521 followers

November 21, 2023

Zinnia and T’kan mate

The time line of this story is concurrent with book 1 and it continues to move the plot line forward.
It’s erotica for sure and a bit dub-con due to the aliens subjugation of the human race.
I enjoyed the story telling and the pronunciation of the names. I found the hero to be very chivalrous to Zinnia and loved how he won her over despite the language barrier. I just could have done with much less sex scenes.

    2022-books aliens audiobook


2,247 reviews253 followers

September 11, 2020

3 1/2 "Love Sickness" Stars!

Zennia was annoying, but I still liked it.
Happy reading!

    aliens kindle-unlimited scifi


104 reviews1 follower

June 23, 2019

Well, I'm shocked. Another great work.
This power couple works too well together. Where's the trick?
Zinnia baby, I totally felt you during the whole story and T'Kan is a sweetheart. I wish I could find someone who could love me like T'Kan did.
Now, let's talk about business.
Taylor Vaughn, could you PLEASE bless us with the story of every Kaidorian citizen?
Now that we know that the girls can get pregnant to we have new material.
Why should this series stop when it can last forever?



155 reviews58 followers

June 26, 2019

His to Steal is the second book in a three-book sci-fi series by Theodora Taylor and Eve Vaughn. I have to say that I enjoyed reading this installment in the series better than the first book His to Claim. It tells the story of Xar T'Kan a Xal general, and Zinnia a human woman who he stole and took to his planet after the breeding ceremony between his people and the 21-year old human females (for those who haven't read the first book, the breeding ceremony is integral to the plot of this series. To avoid spoilers I'll just strongly recommend reading the first book to understand). Although I generally liked the characters (the general more than Zinnia), I did have a few issues that fortunately weren't bad enough for me to give this a low score.

Zinnia had her moments of being both brave and strong. She did, however, have a lot of stupid moments too which caused her to (on several occasions) make assumptions, fail to listen to explanations, and disregard the reasoning behind her Xalthurian man's actions. Easily resolved issues that characters are faced with tend to annoy me if they go on for too long and that's what happened here at one point in the story. It seems like a lazy plot device and these authors are better than that. There still wasn't much in terms of world-building, which was a complaint that I had regarding the first book in the series but don't get me wrong. I DID enjoy reading His to Steal. I liked T'Kan and his confusion over the love rot going on in his brain. His character showed a lot of growth and heart throughout the story. I could definitely see why anyone would fall for this big gold alien! I wanted them to get together, have the onyx and gold baby he imagined, and have their happy ever after.

I do, however, want to make a comment about Zinnia's skin color. She is described as onyx, which I loved. Yay for including a dark-skinned heroine! The romance genre greatly lacks in this department. The problem I had, however, was the stressing that this was considered ugly by the humans. I get that colorism is real, but if the humans represent people from all over the Earth, shouldn't there have been other extremely dark-skinned humans around? Would Zinnia have been such a great anomaly amongst her own people that she was made to feel ugly? I'm thinking she wouldn't have been unless there were no people from African nations aboard. I also appreciated the fact that humans had flaws due to their lack of healthcare. I liked that T'Kan saw her damaged leg as a symbol of strength and that it added to his attraction to her.

Although my time this past weekend was limited, once I started reading it I read the book straight through. The story also does a great job at setting up the third book without overtaking the plot for this one. Little details are given throughout with a hook at the end of the story that has me anxiously awaiting what comes next. I can't wait to read the third, and I believe final, installment to this series! I have a feeling it's only going to get better! I'm giving His to Steal a 3.5 out of 5-star rating (leaning heavily towards a 4 actually) and definitely recommend spending a little leisure time with the Xalthurians.

Olivia Gaines, Romance Author

Author129 books327 followers

July 10, 2019

Enjoyable read and usually I hate stupid female characters but I kind of liked Zin. The man left his planet for her and his child and she still was acting stupid.
He confessed his love disease several times and she didn’t respond.
Normally it’s a 3 hour process with a human and several others makes the attempt, but he takes her from hard labor to his indoor plumbing and she shoots him the bird.
Zin captures basically a baby tiger and he declaws it so she can keep it as a pet.
He stops the elderly, post natal women and children from working the fields to giver her body time to heal.
And she still thinks he just wants to mate with her again.
Goes to show you that it doesn’t matter what color his skin- some chicks just don’t know what love is without the constant need to have a man “prove it”. UGGHHHH!!!
Much of this was really drawn out with many subplots that led to dead ends - the cousin in the dark room with the green piss- the uncle’s betrayal...damned Dan. I enjoyed it.

Karen's Bookshelf

460 reviews

June 24, 2019

What do you get when two talented writers get together? You get an amazing read with well thought out characters and a storyline that takes you on a emotional journey of dislike for the hero at first, empathy and anger for how the heroine is treated by a family member, and eventually love because that’s what these two opposites find , and in the end joy that these characters were brought together. So if you’re looking for all of that with a great deal of drama rolled into one great Alien romance don’t miss out on His to Steal.

Alisi ☆ wants to read too many books ☆

903 reviews108 followers

August 22, 2019

The rape-y is strong in this one and the whole "i must kill her to protect the peace accord" which doubly doesn't do anything for the romance, imo. God save me.


1,120 reviews

June 22, 2019

I am happy to say that I got an ARC copy of this book as well as the first one and I am so glad that I did. I really enjoy this series and felt so confused as I started to read the new second book that I truly felt that I had entered a new country or territory for real because I had. This is really great and fun transformative writing. I can see these hybrid babies and picture the faces of all involved. There are more characters and lots of political strife and fall out from the last book but it is a great romance first and foremost with a lot of action as well. I like this series and hope to see more in the future!


414 reviews15 followers

June 26, 2019

I really enjoyed this story. I’m not a fan of mothers denying the father to see their child but it played out well in the end.

It’s definitely “sweeter” than the 1st story but I recommend that you read it.

I can’t wait for the 3rd story.

Marwa Euler

72 reviews4 followers

June 23, 2019

1.5 stars i liked the first book better


1,063 reviews109 followers

June 24, 2019

It was ok

Meow! Guys I liked it, but I didn't love it, not like the first one. This one fell through pretty much throughout the whole book, only got really good about 80%. I guess the communication was the real issue between these guys, to much fighting and doubting one another, and that makes up much of the story unfortunately. I still enjoyed what little we did have, and I'm excited to read the next book which sadly is months away ( crying )

Kashi Ashley-Ann Lowe

469 reviews6 followers

June 29, 2019


What do you get when two of your favorite authors collaborate? An amazing book that’s what. This is book two in this series and I enjoyed it as much as I did the first book. Ms Taylor and Vaughn are great writers and I’m truly impressed at the work they created together. If you haven’t read the first book in this series I highly recommend you do to get the background of this story as well.


2 reviews

June 22, 2019

Once again I am blowing away by the creativity of Theodora Taylor and Eve Vaughn. Not only did I laugh, I became angry and overjoyed by the relationship developed between Zinnia and T’Kan. I love N’Maryah found her happy place. It was a great read


410 reviews19 followers

July 16, 2020

Not as fun to read as the first book.
Lot more happens in this book, but with a lot less focus on sexy times.

    down-and-dirty heroines-brave-under-dogs heroines-reckless

Leigh Kramer

Author1 book1,313 followers

Shelved as 'dnf'

April 16, 2021

DNF at 46%

This one’s on me. Breeder romances aren’t my thing but I enjoyed the first book because of how hot and bananas it was and I’ve been curious about what happened to Kira’s best friend Zinnia. I was also curious about how her disability was handled. Unfortunately, the answer is not well. She and others repeatedly referred to her as “crippled.” But the real kicker was when the Magical Disability Cure trope entered the plot: Xalthurians have medical technology that can cure just about anything and Zinnia enters the “fix it machine” and emerges with her leg completely healed. There's no meaningful exploration of her disability and these choices don't sit well with me. (Note: I'm able-bodied.) It doesn't feel worth reading any further.

Character notes: Zinnia is a 21 year old Black human woman and an herbalist. She has a twisted and scarred leg. T’Kan is the Xalthurian general and has gold skin and violet eyes.

CW: heroine has a twisted and scarred leg, Magical Disability Cure, ableism, colorism, rape , dubious consent, kidnapping, pregnancy, past death of cousin, bullying, war references, hero initially plans to kill heroine if she doesn’t get pregnant, infant sons are removed from their mothers, Extinction Virus left surviving female Xalthurians infertile, secondary character experiences intimate partner violence, heroine’s brother is an alcoholic abuser, alcohol, gender essentialism, ableist language


358 reviews7 followers

June 28, 2019

Oh my Moons! They've done it again, and this time we find out what happened to Zinnia and T'Kan while Kira and her Kel were making diplomatic deals. The strong enigmatic warrior is smitten with our dark songbird and he finds he just can't let her go after he's kidnapped her. And Zinnia is just trying to figure out why her captor has kept her this long after the allotted time of the breeding ceremony. He awakens in her the feelings of acceptance and desire, all without ever understanding each other. But things that are already askew, go completely awry when T'Kan returns six months after his interrogation for his families betrayal of D'Rek. He finds Zinnia angry and pregnant with a wildcat at her side ready to attack him. In the bid to unite their races, Zinnia and T'Kan may not be able to overcome old hurts and past failures.

This was such a good read, maybe even better than the first. I can't wait to find out what's next in the series!

Rasa Ievkalne

1,064 reviews13 followers

January 8, 2020

Not as bad as the first book but not mutch better either. Rape is still romanticized ,abuse portrayed as not only acceptable but victims greatest wish and responsibility for devoted pets replaced with message that you are not only allowed to abuse them but preferably should be unnecessary cruel. Messages the author sends is so outrageous that I can't believe a woman could have written it unless she suffers from mental deficiencies. It is not the themes touched in book but how poorly author handles them.

If you are looking for encouragement to be despicable being and approval for your sick wants,then this book may be straight up your alley.

Sim Gee

151 reviews14 followers

June 23, 2019

Down to be stolen

Of course this book is about an alien
And a human but it’s about so much more, I see what you ladies did there. The story Holds your attention and won’t let go. T’kan is a master class in character layers, when you think you understand him and what he is capable of, he goes and surprises you. Zin’nia is also the master at the unexpected. Together they are pure fire and the encounters are scorching hot!’ The story telling us dynamic and as you read the story unfolds like your favourite movie.


303 reviews

July 8, 2019

I have been waiting for this book, like forever!!
Since I read “His to claim”, and realized that T’Kan had Zinnia hidden away in his cabin, and that end!! Don’t worry is a HEA for our couple but I can assure you that T’Kan and Zinnia were not the only ones thinking “Wait…What?!

    alien best-sex-scene favorites


372 reviews22 followers

September 25, 2019

This was a good book. I am normally not into the whole alien thing but this book was good! The plot was good and the characters believable ( even for aliens). I like the little plot twist in the end. I am ready for the next book in this series



283 reviews8 followers

January 24, 2021

So in love with this couple

Absolutely adored this couple, just like I knew that I would after reading the teaser at the end of book 1. Now onto book 3 for another couple to love! 💕

~My Book Obsession~

653 reviews63 followers

August 18, 2019

Love this story so much! Z and T were made for each other. I don’t want to give the story away but let me tell you there are some twist and turns!!
Narration was on point!!

    adult-romance alien-romance alpha-male

Michelle Claypot_Reads

2,369 reviews61 followers

April 30, 2020

I am loving this world.
Nothing like a giant alien changing the universe for his chosen mate.
Well developed characters, plenty of action and a good dose of feels

His to Steal (Alien Overlords, #2) (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Views: 6063

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.