Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (2024)

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Emily Medlock

Emily has thousands of hours clocked in survival games, from ARK: Survival Evolved to 7 Days to Die; she loves the diversity of the genre. Initially skeptical about the theme of Conan Exiles, she quickly became addicted to the game and now recommends it to every survival fanatic she meets. Right now, she's probably in the Tundra on a seemingly endless quest to find a Baby Sabertooth.

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Table of Contents

  • Best Fighter Thralls in Conan Exiles Overview
  • Purge Thralls
  • Best T4 Fighter Thralls
    • Dalinsia Snowhunter
    • Dalinsa Snowhunter Location
    • Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker
    • Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker Location
  • Still Amazing T4 Fighter Thralls
    • Daicas the Sharp
    • Daicas the Sharp Location
    • Lian
    • Lian Location
  • Lesser T4 Fighter Thralls
    • Captain Ioushuwa
    • Braggi the Bold
    • Cruaidh the Crusher
    • Gall o' the Spear-din and Hekkr Waverunner
    • Mei the Blade or Waros the Breaker
    • N'batu
    • Sully
    • Tarman
    • Thugra
  • How to Make Your Thralls Even Stronger
    • Level Up
    • Feed Them
    • Add Authority Point
    • Give Them Proper Gear
    • Thrall Perks
  • FAQs
    • Question: Are Some Thralls Untameable?
    • Question: What's the Best Purge for Thralls?
    • Question: Are Fighter Thralls or Archer Thralls Better?
  • Fighter Thralls Are Better Than Clan Members
    • Related read

Conan Exiles best Fighter thralls are anything but subjective. Because they each have a unique set of stats, it’s easy to find out which thralls are strong and which are hardly worth your time.

That said, I like to consider other things when I pick a thrall to capture. For example, if they are in an accessible area or if there are infinite dangers near them, making them difficult to zone in on.

Note: “Befriending” thralls with force makes me extremely uncomfortable, but the more I play Conan Exiles, the number I become. After all, the more friends, the better, right?

Best Fighter Thralls in Conan Exiles Overview

NameHealthStrengthAgilityVitalityGritBonus VitalityMelee MultiplierRanged MultiplierSpawn LocationsSpawn Rate
Daicas the Sharp26611521033511.1171.032Volcano (Well of Skelos)Unknown
Lian20873001056170.9780.903Lian’s Watch100%
Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker303020010157202.212.2Sepermeru and The Unnamed City100% across all locations
Dalisna Snowhunter301615030013001.1171.032Mounds of the Dead or Stargazer’s Crest4%

Purge Thralls

The Purge’s named thralls are the best you can get in the game. The exact Purge affects which T4 thralls spawn. The Purge has six difficulty levels, with each level having different Thralls.

Purge spawns depend on where your base is located. If you live near the volcano or snow, you’ll get the higher-tier purges and, thus, better thralls. If you live near the beach, you’ll get low-tier ones. Everywhere else is in between.

If you’re lucky enough to get a strong T4 thrall spawning at your base, it can be beneficial to tame one. However, this is a pain to do because you have other enemies you want to kill, and you need your already tamed thralls on aggressive to help you.

That’s when you use the ten-minute timer you are given before a purge begins to hide your tamed thralls and use your clan members instead. It’s extremely difficult to tame a thrall during a purge, but if you do, you’ll need to kill every other enemy and save your target for last.

Best T4 Fighter Thralls

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (3)

The best Fighters in Conan Exiles are T4 or named thralls. But there are still only two wild T4 thralls that I consider the best. Friendly reminder, just because it’s named doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good.

For general thrall tips and to walk you through the steps of “taming” your first thrall, Emily Parker has a terrific guide on thralls. For a breakdown of the best Fighter thralls in Conan Exiles, check out these.

Dalinsia Snowhunter

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (4)
  • Health – 3016
  • Strength – 15
  • Vitality – 30
  • Bonus Vitality – 1300
  • Melee Multiplier – 1.117
  • Ranged Multiplier – 1.032

Dalinsa is often considered the best wild thrall in the game. She has the highest base health of any wild thrall and the highest vitality. Her vitality increases so much when she levels, too, giving her insane health and regeneration.

I once saw a max-level Dalinsa Snowhunter with over 15,000 health, getting lucky with the multipliers from leveling. This is insane, considering the maximum a player can have isn’t even 1,000 HP.

Dalinsa Snowhunter Location

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (5)

Dalinsa can be found at the Mounds of the Dead or Stargazer’s Crest. I recommend Stargazer’s Coast because she will be alone here, making it much easier to capture her without being attacked.

It’s also difficult to find her in Mounds of the Dead as she doesn’t have a set spawn point. From the looks of it, she can spawn in a few spots to the north and northeast regions of the Mounds of the Dead.

Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (6)
  • Health – 3030
  • Strength – 20
  • Vitality – 10
  • Grit – 15
  • Bonus Vitality – 720
  • Melee Multiplier – 2.21
  • Ranged Multiplier – 2.2

Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker is a strong thrall that replaced the Captain of the Relic Hunters, who was previously overpowered. As you can see, this thrall compares with Dalinsa Snowhunter.

While his base stats are slightly lower, his multipliers are better, which means he will do more damage as he levels than Dalinsa. Relic Hunter Treasure Seekers also change significantly, so they may even be different races or genders each time you see them.

Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker Location

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (7)

This thrall, often called RHTS can be found at Sepermeru and The Unnamed City. Both of these locations are extremely difficult to capture thralls at. I recommend The Unnamed City because Sepermeru has friendly NPCs that will attack you if you try to knock out a RHTS.

The Unnamed City has better places to pull single targets, and everything there is aggressive anyway. However, traversing the terrain is also dangerous, and you have to watch out for rot which isn’t easy to recover from.

Still Amazing T4 Fighter Thralls

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (8)

These two T4 Fighters are excellent, just not as good as Dalinsa or RHTS. I considered putting Daicas on a different list because he’s hard to get to, but then I remembered my clan member who lived in the volcano. So I suppose it’s all relative.

Daicas the Sharp

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (9)
  • Health – 2661
  • Strength – 15
  • Agility – 2
  • Vitality – 10
  • Grit – 3
  • Bonus Vitality – 351
  • Melee Multiplier – 1.117
  • Ranged Multiplier – 1.032

Daicas is so good that I almost put them in the top-tier category. Daicas is as strong and does as much damage as Dalinsa Snowhunter does, but won’t have nearly as much health when leveled.

I find Daicas extremely difficult to locate because the spawn rate is quite low. You can also find them in the Votaries of Skelos Purge, which will appear if you have a house in the volcano.

Daicas the Sharp Location

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (10)

Daicas is not an easy thrall to obtain as he only spawns in the volcano. I’ve only seen him in The Well of Skelos. Not only is this a dangerous zone enemy-wise, but you also have to deal with the hot temperatures.

To survive the elements, you need armor that has at least two points of heat resistance per piece. But to also survive the enemies, you need good base armor, so make sure you come prepared.


Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (11)
  • Health – 2087
  • Strength – 30
  • Vitality – 10
  • Grit – 5
  • Bonus Vitality – 617
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.978
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.903

As you can see, Lian is only slightly worse than the other thralls I’ve mentioned. But he makes up for it by always being at his watch and for being at a rather convenient spot with few dangers.

He also does insanely good base damage. The problem is that his damage doesn’t scale as well, and his multipliers aren’t as high. I still think he’s worth it as he’s much easier to capture.

Lian Location

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (12)

One of the best things about Lian is that he’s always there. He’s one of the few good T4s with a 100% spawn rate. In a life where so many things are elusive and can’t be counted on, Lian is solid ground.

He will always be at Lian’s Watch, hanging out with a few friends. While you’re there, if you can, tame some of his friends, such as the archer Varpnir or taskmaster Manos. This reminds me of what a good thrall farming spot Lian’s Watch is.

Lesser T4 Fighter Thralls

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (13)

This is a list of all other T4 Fighter thralls. They are all named thralls and are all better than unnamed thralls, but they’re also less than amazing. But if you do see them, them and have a good route back home, I suggest going for it.

Captain Ioushuwa

  • Health – 1173
  • Strength – 1
  • Agility – 30
  • Vitality – 3
  • Grit – 2
  • Bonus Vitality – 249
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.782
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.722

Captain Ioushuwu is the captain of the Black Galleon. Since there is a boatload (pun intended) of pirates, I recommend clearing the ship before you reach him at the top near the bow (front of the ship.)

Braggi the Bold

  • Health – 1089
  • Strength – 1
  • Agility – 30
  • Vitality – 3
  • Grit – 2
  • Bonus Vitality – 231
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.727
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.672

Braggi has a ton of spawn locations (over a dozen), so finding him can be extremely easy or extremely difficult. His stats are mediocre, so I wouldn’t look for him, but if you see him, go ahead and knock that sucker on the head with a club.

Cruaidh the Crusher

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (14)
  • Health – 1089
  • Strength – 1
  • Agility – 30
  • Vitality – 3
  • Grit – 2
  • Bonus Vitality – 231
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.727
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.672

Cruaidh is just another Black Hand T4 Fighter. He has a dozen spawn locations, appearing where other Black Hand pirates appear. Although his spawn points are inconsistent, I recommend Sailstitch Camp (which also spawns a T4 Cook) because it’s a small camp with no more than five thralls.

Gall o’ the Spear-din and Hekkr Waverunner

  • Health – 1280
  • Strength – 1
  • Agility – 30
  • Vitality – 3
  • Grit – 2
  • Bonus Vitality – 272
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.782
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.722

As far as low-tier T4s go, Gall o’ the Spear-din is a well-rounded one. He is adept with any weapon but has fewer spawn points than many other Black Hands. The best place to find him is at Captain’s Quarters (Buccaneer Bay) because he or his twin Hekkr Waverunner are guaranteed to spawn here.

Mei the Blade or Waros the Breaker

  • Health – 1451
  • Strength – 20
  • Vitality -10
  • Grit – 15
  • Bonus Vitality – 611
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.838
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.774

Mei the Blade is so good, and I’m not saying that just because I’m partial. I love her aesthetics, but her decent stats and single spawn location (Pagoda of Boundless Lusts) make her a well-rounded thrall. However, her spawn rate of 4% (8% if you count Waros the Breaker, her “twin.”)


Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (15)
  • Health – 1092
  • Agility – 30
  • Grit – 15
  • Bonus Vitality – 0
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.779
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.72

If you only get one low-tier T4 thrall to wield an agility weapon, let it be N’batu. He always spawns at N’batu’s Pack, which is a small camp that is easy to deal with. For someone with 1,000 base HP, N’batu is one fast due with adorable kitty claws.


  • Health – 1173
  • Strength – 1
  • Agility – 30
  • Vitality – 3
  • Grit – 2
  • Bonus Vitality – 249
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.782
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.722

Sully has a special place in my heart because he was my first T4 thrall. Though his stats aren’t the best, he does have a 100% spawn chance at Sullys’s Ambush. This is an easy spot to isolate him.


Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (16)
  • Health – 1173
  • Strength – 1
  • Agility – 30
  • Vitality – 3
  • Grit – 2
  • Bonus Vitality – 249
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.782
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.722

Tarman is one of the easiest T4 Black Hands to find, but that doesn’t mean he’s easy to get. He spawns exclusively at Tarman’s Berth. It’s a small camp, but he does bleed damage and is fast, making it difficult to knock out without dying.


  • Health – 663
  • Grit – 15
  • Bonus Vitality – 0
  • Melee Multiplier – 0.701
  • Ranged Multiplier – 0.648

If you want the worst T4 Fighter thrall in the game, this is him. He spawns at Thugra’s Stand, an easy spot to reach and knock Thugra out, which is the redeeming quality of this squishy thrall.

How to Make Your Thralls Even Stronger

Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (17)

Thrall Fighters have so much potential, but there is a cap to how strong they can be without you putting effort into raising them. So I recommend learning how to make the most of your Fighter before you begin leveling it.

Level Up

The stronger you are, the stronger your follower will be. Thrall strength (damage, not the attribute) has a formula consisting of the weapon, its bonuses, and your bonuses. So the better your stats, the better their stats.

Feed Them

Particular food can increase the chances of a specific attribute increasing when your thrall levels. Feed them Gruel, Cooked Pork Rinds, Exquisite Stew, or Exocit Feast to increase Strength.

Enhanced Gruel may increase Agility, but Grilled Steak, Exquisite Tew, Exotic Feast, and Lasting Feast may increase Vitality. Finally, to increase Grit, feed them Shredded Roast, Lasting Feast, or Cooked Pork Rinds.

Add Authority Point

Authority directly affects your follower’s strength and how easy it is to knock them out. Your followers gain 4% more damage per point you put into authority and gain abilities every five points.

Give Them Proper Gear

The better the armor and weapon your thrall has, the more damage they deal and the less damage they take. Don’t neglect them. I suggest giving them the armor you just upgraded from and the weapon to suit their stats.

For example, if they have high agility, give them an agility weapon. If they have high strength, give them a strength weapon. You can see what a weapon is by clicking on it in your inventory.

Thrall Perks

Unfortunately for Fighter perks, at every five levels, they gain a random perk which could be a buff or debuff. The perks only affect attributes though the descriptions may be more complex.


Question: Are Some Thralls Untameable?

Answer: There are various thralls you can check the profile of in admin settings that are coded into the game. These thralls don’t have a location, but most of them can be spawned by admins.

Question: What’s the Best Purge for Thralls?

Answer: The Votaries of Skelos near the Volacno is the best purge if you want to tame the thralls within it. Make sure you have a bed near the volcano to initiate this purge and get thralls better than anything you can find in the wild.

Question: Are Fighter Thralls or Archer Thralls Better?

Answer: All-around, Fighter thralls have better stats. They have better melee modifiers, making them better for holding melee weapons, but either can wield any weapon. I would look at specific stats though because a higher-tier Fighter will be better with a bow than a lower-tier Archer and vice versa.

Fighter Thralls Are Better Than Clan Members

I said what I said. I often use thralls to steal aggro while I do damage, and since thralls have higher health than player characters, they are ideal for the job. Of course, there are benefits to players.

They know when to attack, they can avoid conflict easily, and they can communicate. That’s all great, but there’s nothing more satisfying than taking a max-level Fighter into a camp and letting them clear it while you follow them, looting the bodies.

As the saying goes, “To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.” When you raise your thrall right, they will give back tenfold.

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  • Conan Exiles Bosses Guide
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Conan Exiles Best Fighter Thralls: Bring Me Your Strongest Warriors - Conan Fanatics (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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